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  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 fall 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Fall about: Laugh so much that one’s entire body moves somewhat uncontrollably
    • Fall apart: Disintegrate
    • Fall apart: Be emotionally in crisis
    • Fall away: Cease to support a person or cause
    • Fall behind: Be late (for a regular event)
    • Fall behind: Be progressively below average in performance
    • Fall down: Fall to the ground, to collapse

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 cut 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Cut back: Reduce spending
    • Cut back: Reduce consumption
    • Cut down: Bring down by cutting
    • Cut down: Reduce the amount of something
    • Cut off: Stop providing funds to someone
    • Cut off: End abruptly
    • Cut off: Interrupt (someone speaking)
    • Cut off: Turn off or switch off (an electrical device)
    • Cut out: Refrain from (doing something, using…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 crack 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Crack down: Enforce more stringently or more thoroughly
    • Crack down on: Enforce laws or punish (something) more vigilantly
    • Crack on: Continue at a (normally uninteresting) task
    • Crack on: Continue apace
    • Crack up: Laugh heartily
    • Crack up: Cause to laugh heartily
    • Crack up: Become insane; to suffer a mental break down
    • Crack…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 come 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Come about: Come to pass; to develop; to occur; to take place; to happen
    • Come across: Give an appearance or impression; to project a certain image
    • Come across: Find, usually by accident
    • Come after: Pursue, follow
    • Come after: Follow, to succeed, to be the successor of
    • Come along: Accompany
    • Come along: Progress; to make progress
    • Co…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 check 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Check out: Confirm and pay for goods and services at a facility when leaving
    • Check out: Withdraw (an item), as from a library, and have the withdrawal recorded
    • Check out: Record (someone) as leaving the premises or as taking something therefrom, as from a library or shop
    • Check out: Examine, inspect, look at closely, ogle; to investi…[阅读更多]

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2024年教材是不是会全面更换,关于这个问题,很多家长和孩子都比较关心。根据我得到的消息,目前2024年是否会全面更换教材存在一些矛盾的信息。 一方面,有证据表明2024年将全面更换英语教材。例如,2024年9月,我国小学及初中英语学科将全面启用新版英语教材。此外,教育部相关人士在第三届基础教育课程教学改革研讨会上表示,2024年义务教育阶段将全面启用新的粤版教材。这些信息表明,至少在英语学科方面... »

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