fall 相关短语动词

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  • #11023

    • Fall about: Laugh so much that one’s entire body moves somewhat uncontrollably
    • Fall apart: Disintegrate
    • Fall apart: Be emotionally in crisis
    • Fall away: Cease to support a person or cause
    • Fall behind: Be late (for a regular event)
    • Fall behind: Be progressively below average in performance
    • Fall down: Fall to the ground, to collapse
    • Fall down: Fail
    • Fall for: Be fooled; to walk into a trap or respond to a scam or trick
    • Fall for: Fall in love with someone
    • Fall in: Collapse inwards
    • Fall in: Come to an end; to terminate; to lapse
    • Fall in with: Join (a group of people)
    • Fall in with: Accept
    • Fall into: Go into something by falling
    • Fall into: Enter something without having planned it
    • Fall into: Be classified as; to fall under
    • Fall off: Become detached or to drop from
    • Fall off: Diminish in size, value etc.
    • Fall on: Experience; to suffer; to fall upon
    • Fall on: Be assigned to; to acquire a new responsibility, duty or burden
    • Fall on: Occur on a particular day
    • Fall out: Come out of something by falling
    • Fall out: Cease to be on friendly terms
    • Fall out: Leave one,s current location to report for duty at a new location
    • Fall through: Be unsuccessful, abort, come to nothing/naught; to be cancelled; not to proceed
    • Fall under: Belong to for purposes of categorization
    • Fall upon: Fall on; to experience; to suffer

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