cut 相关短语动词

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    • Cut back: Reduce spending
    • Cut back: Reduce consumption
    • Cut down: Bring down by cutting
    • Cut down: Reduce the amount of something
    • Cut off: Stop providing funds to someone
    • Cut off: End abruptly
    • Cut off: Interrupt (someone speaking)
    • Cut off: Turn off or switch off (an electrical device)
    • Cut out: Refrain from (doing something, using something etc.), to stop/cease (doing something)
    • Cut out: Remove, omit
    • Cut out: Separate from a herd
    • Cut out: Stop working, to switch off; (of a person on the telephone etc.) to be inaudible, be disconnected
    • Cut out: Leave suddenly
    • Cut out: Arrange
    • Cut through: Deal with an issue quickly
    • Cut through: Take a shortcut through
    • Cut up: Cut into smaller pieces, parts, or sections
    • Cut up: Lacerate; wound by multiple lacerations; injure or damage by cutting, or as if by cutting
    • Cut up: Severely criticize or censure; to subject to hostile criticism
    • Cut up: Comprise a particular selection of runners

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