come 相关短语动词

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    • Come about: Come to pass; to develop; to occur; to take place; to happen
    • Come across: Give an appearance or impression; to project a certain image
    • Come across: Find, usually by accident
    • Come after: Pursue, follow
    • Come after: Follow, to succeed, to be the successor of
    • Come along: Accompany
    • Come along: Progress; to make progress
    • Come apart: Break, separate
    • Come around: Change one,s mind
    • Come at: Get to, especially with effort or difficulty
    • Come at: Attack, to harass
    • Come at: Accept (a situation); to agree to do; to try
    • Come away: Become separated from something away
    • Come away: Distance oneself (from)
    • Come back: Return to one,s possession, especially of memories
    • Come back: Return to a former state, usually a desirable one
    • Come back: Retort
    • Come before: Appear publicly in front of someone superior
    • Come before: Be of greater importance (than)
    • Come before: Be judged, decided or discussed by authority
    • Come before: Precede
    • Come between: Affect negatively or cause discord between (someone) and another person
    • Come by: Obtain; to get, especially by chance or involuntarily
    • Come by: Come near to; to pass; to visit
    • Come down: Descend, fall down, collapse
    • Come down: Be demolished
    • Come down: Decrease
    • Come down: Reach a decision
    • Come down: Be passed through time
    • Come down: Return from an elevated state of consciousness or emotion
    • Come down on: Punish
    • Come down upon: Criticise, reprimand severely
    • Come down to: Reach by moving down or reducing
    • Come down to: Depend upon, basically, ultimately or in essence
    • Come down with: Contract or get; to show symptoms of an illness
    • Come for: Search for something or someone, in order to catch them/it
    • Come forth: Move forward and into view, to emerge, to appear
    • Come from: Have as one,s birthplace or nationality
    • Come in: Enter
    • Come in: Arrive
    • Come in: Become relevant, applicable or useful
    • Come in: Become available
    • Come in: Have a strong enough signal to be able to be received well
    • Come in: Join or enter; to begin playing with a group
    • Come in: Begin transmitting
    • Come in: Function in the indicated manner
    • Come in: Finish a race or similar competition in a particular position
    • Come in for: Be subjected to
    • Come into: Inherit (money)
    • Come into: Be a factor in
    • Come off: Have some success, to succeed
    • Come off: Appear; to seem; to project a certain quality
    • Come on: Show sexual or relational interest through words or sometimes actions
    • Come on: Appear on a television broadcast
    • Come on: Progress, to develop
    • Come on: Encounter, discover; to come upon.
    • Come on: Make a romantic or sexual advance to; to hit on
    • Come on: Start to
    • Come on: Be discovered, be revealed
    • Come on: Be published, be issued
    • Come on: End up or result
    • Come on: Come out of the closet
    • Come on: Be deducted from
    • Come on: Leave (out of), exit from
    • Come on: Express one,s opinion openly
    • Come out in: Be afflicted by
    • Come out in: Say something unexpected
    • Come out of: To develop from something
    • Come out with: Say something publicly and unexpectedly
    • Come out with: Make something available/to be produced or published
    • Come over: Affect
    • Come round: Change one,s opinion to a prevailing one
    • Come round: Recover consciousness, to come to
    • Come round: Visit someone,s home or other regular place
    • Come through: Survive, to endure
    • Come through: Succeed
    • Come through: Not to let somebody down, keep one,s promise
    • Come through with: Provide something needed
    • Come to: Recover consciousness after fainting etc.
    • Come to: Total; to amount to
    • Come to: Devote attention to in due course; to come around to
    • Come to: Befall; to affect; to happen to; to come upon
    • Come to: Regard or specify, as narrowing a field of choices by category
    • Come together: Arrive at a destination with someone after having travelled there with each other
    • Come under: Come underneath (something)
    • Come under: Be included or classified under
    • Come under: Be subjected to, be under the auspices of
    • Come up: Come towards, to approach
    • Come up: Emerge or become known, especially unexpectedly
    • Come up: Come to attention, present itself; to arrive or appear
    • Come up: Appear
    • Come up: Draw near in time
    • Come up: Rise (above the horizon)
    • Come up: Begin to feel the effects of a recreational drug
    • Come up to: Approach
    • Come up with: Invent, create, or think of.
    • Come upon: Come across; to encounter; to stumble upon; to discover or find
    • Come upon: Befall; to affect; to happen to
    • Come with: Join and come along


    Come expressing an idea of movement or change of state 来表达一个运动或状态变化的想法

    phrasal verb meaning example
    come along arrive at a place Not many people bought tickets for the concert in advance, but quite a few came along and bought tickets at the door.
    come apart separate into pieces The antique picture frame just came apart in my hands.
    come around or come round become conscious again A nurse was with me when 1 came round after the operation.
    come out disappear or become less strong (of dirt or colour on clothing/material) Let your shirt soak overnight and the stain will probably come out.
    come out become public knowledge after it has been kept secret (of the truth) If this story comes out about the Prime Minister, he’ll have to resign.
    come out be given to people (of results or informaton) When do your exam results come out?
    come out leave after a period in a place Ava’s coming out of hospital at the tA/AoLond Sha’s miirh hpffpr now.
    • 该回复由Jason 于 2月、 4周前 修正。

    来表达发生的想法 Come expressing an idea of happen

    I was planning to arrange a surprise holiday for her birthday, but I’m not sure it’s going to come off. [happen successfully or as planned]我本来打算为她的生日安排一个惊喜假期,但我不确定能不能成功。成功地或按计划发生。

    I’ve had to organise the school fair again this year – I’m not quite sure how that came about, [happened, especially something which is not planned] 今年我不得不再次组织学校的博览会——我不太确定这是怎么发生的,尤其是没有计划的事情。

    Oscar: Will you tell your boss about your plans to stand for the local council

    Sophie: Only if the subject comes up(1) in conversation. I nearly told him at work this morning, but then something came up(2) and we had to deal with it straight away. Mind you, I don’t know if a place on the council is going to come up(3) for a while yet, so perhaps I’ll wait.

    • (1) is mentioned or discussed   被提及或讨论
    • (2) happened unexpectedly, usually a problem or difficult situation 意外发生的,通常是一个问题或困难的情况
    • (3) become available  变得可用:指某物或某事物之前不可用,但现在可以使用或获得。

    Other meanings of come  come的其他含义

    I am doing a research project for my degree on the psychology of aging, but l*ve come up against (1) a few problems. I came across (2)  someone who’s done an almost identical study, so l’ve got to come to (3)  a decision: do I want to continue with it or not? I guess in the end my decision will come down to (4) what my professor recommends.

    • 1 encountered or had to deal with (a difficult situation) 遇到或不得不处理(困难情况)
    • 2 discovered (or met) by chance 偶然发现(或遇见)的
    • 3 make (a decision about something)  作出(对某事的决定)
    • 4 depend mostly on or be influenced most by  最依赖的或最受影响的
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