

我们知道家庭作业对学生有好处。毕竟,他们花在英语学习上的时间越多,他们的英语水平就越高。然而,家庭作业往往是一件令人沮丧的事情。老师有时会在没有特别热情的情况下布置作业,学生并不总是做,老师也不是特别喜欢批改作业。We know that homework is good for students. After all, the more time they spend working with English, the better they get at it. Yet homework is often a dispiriting affair. Teachers sometimes give out homework tasks with no special enthusiasm, students don’t always do it and teachers don’t especially enjoy marking it.


在一些学校,已经开发了系统来处理这种情况。学生们都有一个家庭作业日记,他们必须在里面写下他们的家庭作业任务,以及他们是否完成了这些任务。他们的父母必须在周末签下他们的家庭作业日记,所以他们有希望确保他们的儿子和女儿完成规定的任务。In some schools, systems have been developed to deal with this situation. Students all have a homework ‘diary’ in which they have to write their homework tasks, and whether or not they have done them. Their parents have to sign off their homework diaries at the end of the week so there is some hope that they will ensure that their sons and daughters do the required tasks.

然而,学生年龄越大,难度就越大。在这里,我们不能依靠父母的帮助。 It is more difficult when students are older, however. Here we cannot rely on parents to help out.

询问学生 Ask the  students

我们可以询问学生对家庭作业的看法,并得到他们对我们应该要求多少的同意。我们可以找出他们的兴趣是什么,并尽量确保我们设置与他们相关的家庭作业任务(不仅在他们的兴趣方面,而且在他们正在学习的方面)。We can ask the students what they think about homework and get their agreement about how much we should ask for. We can find out what their interests are, and try to ensure that we set homework tasks which are relevant to them (not only in terms of their interests, but also in terms of what they are studying).

莱斯利·波因特(Lesley Pointer)讲述了她让学生说出他们对有用和适当的家庭作业的看法的情况。然后,她用这些结果来布置家庭作业,结果是,更多的学生带着热情完成了家庭作业——一种她在批改作业时分享的热情。Lesley Pointer recounted a situation in which she got her students to say what their ideas of useful and appropriate homework were. She then used the results to set homework assignments, and the outcome was that many more students did the homework tasks with something like enthusiasm – an enthusiasm she shared when correcting their work.

制造乐趣 Make it fun

一些学生认为家庭作业总是由老师定在周五下午,而且总是相同类型的任务(例如,练习本上的练习)。Some students think that homework will always be set by the teacher on a Friday afternoon, and it will always be the same kind of task (an exercise from a workbook, for example).

如果任务是多样的,如果老师试图让它们变得有趣,这样的学生更有可能投入其中。我们可以把家庭作业放在信封里或用电子邮件发送。是的,我们可以让学生做一些严肃的事情,但也包括一些稍微疯狂的任务。家庭作业将成为学生想要参与的事情。Such students are much more likely to be engaged if the tasks are varied, and if the teacher tries to make them fun. We can give out homework tasks in envelopes or send them in emails. We can have students do some serious things, yes, but include some slightly crazy tasks too. Homework will then become something that students want to be involved in.

尊重家庭作业 Respect homework

有些老师很难调动起布置和批改作业的热情,学生们也能感觉到这一点。如果他们按时交作业,但老师总是忘记批改和交回,这是特别不合适的。学生们需要知道,他们在完成任务时所付出的努力将得到老师的回报。Some teachers have difficulty in working up any enthusiasm for setting and marking homework, and students sense this. It is especially inappropriate if they give homework in on time but the teacher keeps forgetting to mark it and hand it back. Students need to know that the effort they make in doing the tasks will be reciprocated by the teacher.

让课后作业富有成效   Make post-homework productive

学生不可能对老师的评语产生多大的尊重,当批改后的作业被交回时,如果学生不被鼓励去看评语,看看他们该如何改正。如果放任他们自生自弃,他们很可能只是匆匆看一眼评语——或者他们得到的分数——然后就把作业放进某个文件夹,再也不看了。Students are unlikely to develop much respect for the teacher’s comments if, when marked homework is handed back, they are not encouraged to look at the feedback to see how they might make corrections. Left to their own devices, they may well just glance at the comments – or a grade they have been given – before putting the work into some folder, never to be looked at again.

我们需要改变这种行为,不仅要确保我们对家庭作业的反馈是有用的,还要鼓励学生在把交回来的家庭作业收起来之前纠正错误并从中吸取教训。我们需要为他们提供机会,让他们对我们对他们的家庭作业提出的建议做出反应,或者根据我们的评论讨论所设置的任务。We need to change this behaviour by ensuring not only that the feedback we give on homework is useful, but also that students are encouraged to correct their mistakes and learn from them before putting the returned homework away. We need to provide opportunities for them to react to suggestions we make on their homework or to discuss the task that was set in the light of our comments.

让学生们互相批改作业通常是个好主意,前提是这种批改是以一种支持和合作的方式进行的。It is often a good idea to get students to correct each other’s homework, provided that this is done in a supportive and cooperative way.

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