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  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 take 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Take aback: Surprise or shock; to discomfit
    • Take after: Resemble (a parent or ancestor) in appearance or habit
    • Take against: Stop liking someone; to become unfriendly toward
    • Take apart: Dismantle something into its component pieces
    • Take aside: Get someone alone to talk to them
    • Take away: Remove something and put it in a different p…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 stand 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Stand aside: Step sideways to make a space for someone else
    • Stand aside: Leave a job or position voluntarily so that someone else can have it instead
    • Stand aside: Temporarily recuse oneself from action or decisionmaking in some domain
    • Stand back: Maintain a safe distance from a hazard
    • Stand back: Abstain from participation
    • Stand by: W…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 speak 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Speak for: Speak on somebody’s behalf
    • Speak for: Claim, reserve, or occupy
    • Speak for: Represent an intrinsic quality
    • Speak for oneself: Provide an opinion only on one,s own behalf
    • Speak for oneself: Expressing disagreement with an opinion expressed by another
    • Speak for oneself: Have obvious meaning; to require no explanation…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 set 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Set about: Initiate or begin some action
    • Set about: Attack
    • Set aside: Separate and reserve something for a specific purpose
    • Set back: Delay or obstruct
    • Set back: Remove from or allow distance
    • Set back: Cost money, as
    • Set down: Write
    • Set forth: Begin a journey or expedition
    • Set in: Take root, become established
    • Set…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 send 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Send away: Dismiss from one’s presence
    • Send away: Send to a particular place for a long time, as a family member, an employee, etc.
    • Send away for: Write to a business or other organisation, requesting a thing
    • Send back: Return (something) to its origin
    • Send back: Remind (someone) of a previous time in the past
    • Send down: Suspend or…[阅读更多]

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写作是一项非常需要学生积极上进的技能。如果他们没有参与到写作任务中,换句话说,如果他们没有写作的理由,你设定的任务就不会是一个有效的学习经历。Writing is one of those skills that deeply requires students to be motivated. If they’re not involved in the writing task, in oth... »



写作不是存在于真空中。这是听和说的自然延伸,对任何语言都是如此,但对说其他语言的人和正在学习英语的人来说同样如此。由于口语和书面语之间的联系,在你的ESL学生写作时运用这些技巧将有助于他们顺利地完成写作过程。通过帮助你的学生运用他们在英语学习中获得的口语和听力技能,他们会发现写作并不像看起来那么不可能。Writing does not exist in a vacuum. It is a natu... »



一、本话题的主要教学内容 二、本话题的教学重点和难点 综合上面的内容分析,我们可以知道,本话题围绕着生日聚会展开,有整体介绍也有细节,有短文和日记的形式,本课的教学重点可以确定为以下几个方面: 1、学生需要掌握行为动词的一般过去式(规则与不规则变化)及读音;(难点) 2、学生需要能使用记叙文或日记来记一次生日聚会; 3、学生需要掌握一般过去时谓语动词为行为动词时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问及其回答; 4... »

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