stand 相关短语动词

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    • Stand aside: Step sideways to make a space for someone else
    • Stand aside: Leave a job or position voluntarily so that someone else can have it instead
    • Stand aside: Temporarily recuse oneself from action or decisionmaking in some domain
    • Stand back: Maintain a safe distance from a hazard
    • Stand back: Abstain from participation
    • Stand by: Wait in expectation of some event; to make ready
    • Stand by: Remain loyal or faithful to
    • Stand by: Support; to continue to support despite things being bad
    • Stand by: Do nothing. To be inactive in a situation

    • Stand by: Be ready to provide assistance if required
    • Stand by: Wait; to stop pursuing or fighting
    • Stand for: Tolerate
    • Stand in for: To act as a double or substitute for
    • Stand off: Stand some distance apart from something or someone
    • Stand off: Prevent any would-be attacker from coming close by adopting an offensive posture
    • Stand out: Be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one’s surroundings
    • Stand out: Be extraordinary and different or to have features and qualities which make someone or something special.
    • Stand up: Rise from a lying or sitting position
    • Stand up: Bring something up and set it into a standing position
    • Stand up: Avoid a prearranged meeting, especially a date, with (a person) without prior notification; to jilt or shirk
    • Stand up for: Speak or act in support or defense
    • Stand up to: Object to or interfere with the actions of (someone seen as bullying, pushy, or controlling)
    • Stand up to: Withstand, to weather, to survive in spite of

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