send 相关短语动词

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    • Send away: Dismiss from one’s presence
    • Send away: Send to a particular place for a long time, as a family member, an employee, etc.
    • Send away for: Write to a business or other organisation, requesting a thing
    • Send back: Return (something) to its origin
    • Send back: Remind (someone) of a previous time in the past
    • Send down: Suspend or expel (an undergraduate) from university
    • Send down: Commit (someone) to a prison term
    • Send down: Demote a player within the levels of professional baseball
    • Send off: Send; to dispatch
    • Send out for: Make an order for something to be delivered, especially takeaway food
    • Send up: Imitate someone or something for the purpose of satirical humour
    • Send up: Put in prison


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