
  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 carry 相关短语动词 2个月, 4周前

    • Carry off: Transport away
    • Carry off: Act convincingly; to succeed at giving the impression of (e.g.) knowledge, confidence, or familiarity
    • Carry off: Cause death
    • Carry on: Continue or proceed as before
    • Carry on: Take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it
    • Carry on: Have or maintain
    • Carry on: Act or behave; espec…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 call 相关短语动词 2个月, 4周前

    • Call away: Summon; to cause to depart
    • Call down: Pray for; to request from God
    • Call for: Shout out in order to summon (a person)
    • Call for: Ask for in a loud voice
    • Call for: Request, demand
    • Call for: Necessitate, demand
    • Call for: Stop at a place and ask for (someone)
    • Call in: Communicate with a base etc, by telephone
    • Cal…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 bring 相关短语动词 2个月, 4周前

    • Bring about: Cause to take place
    • Bring about: Accomplish, achieve
    • Bring along: Bring someone or something to certain place.
    • Bring around: Persuade or convince someone.
    • Bring around: Bring something with you when you visit.
    • Bring around: Get someone talking about something.
    • Bring back: Fetch something
    • Bring back: Cause someone t…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 break 相关短语动词 2个月, 4周前

    • Break away: Leave suddenly
    • Break away: Become separated, literally or figuratively
    • Break down: Fail, to cease to function
    • Break down: Render or to become unstable due to stress, to collapse physically or mentally
    • Break down: Render or to become weak and ineffective
    • Break down: Decay, to decompose
    • Break down: Divide into parts to give…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 below 相关短语 2个月, 4周前

    • Blow away: Cause to go away by blowing, or by wind
    • Blow away: Disperse or to depart on currents of air
    • Blow away: Kill (someone) by sh
    • Blow away: Flabbergast; to impress greatly
    • Blow down: Knock over with an air current, most often wind
    • Blow off: Let steam escape through a passage provided for the purpose
    • Blow off: Shirk or disr…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 beat 相关短语 2个月, 4周前

    • Beat down: Strike with great force
    • Beat down: Haggle with someone to sell at a lower price
    • Beat off: Waste time
    • Beat out: Sound a rhythm on a percussion instrument such as a drum
    • Beat out: Extinguish
    • Beat out: Defeat by a narrow margin
    • Beat up: Give a severe beating to, to assault violently hitting the victim repeatedly

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 be 相关短语 2个月, 4周前

    • Be above: Be too good, classy or mature to do something; to disdain
    • Be above: Outrank
    • Be along: Arrive• Be around:
    • Be alive, existent, or present
    • Be around: Be near; to socialize with
    • Be cut out for: Be suitable, have the necessary qualities
    • Be down: Be depressed
    • Be down to: Be reduced or less
    • Be down on: Have negative feelings t…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 back 相关短语动词 2个月, 4周前

    • Back down: Take a less aggressive position in a conflict than one previously has or has planned to
    • Back into: Rely upon another team’s loss in order to advance to the post-season
    • Back off: Move backwards away from something
    • Back off: Become less aggressive, particularly when one had appeared committed to act
    • Back off: Lower the setting…[阅读更多]

  • • Ask after: Enquire about someone’s health, how life is going.
    • Ask around (round): Enquire of different people about something
    • Ask for: Request
    • Ask for: Increase the likelihood of something by persisting in some action; to invite
    • Ask in: Invite someone to enter one’s house
    • Ask out: Invite somebody, especially on a date
    • Ask round: In…[阅读更多]

  • • Answer back: Reply impertinently; to talk back
    • Answer back: Reply to a question at a later time
    • Answer for: Be held responsible for; to take the blame for something
    • Answer for: Guarantee
    • Answer for: Vouch for (someone); to attest to the character of (someone)
    • Answer to: Be accountable or responsible to
    • Answer to: Justify onese…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 act相关的短语动词 2个月, 4周前

    Act on: Act decisively on the basis of information received or deduced

    Act on: Take action against something

    Act on: Affect something

    Act out: Perform a scene from a play, a charade or an exercise

    Act out: Perform a fantasy in reality

    Act out: Express one’s feelings through disruptive actions

    Act out: Express ideas or desires through actions…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前

    To Father

      • by Meifu Wang
      • I knew you were with me only as a phantom,
      • but we spent a beautiful day walking and talking.
      • I kept telling myself how beautiful it was to see you again.
      • I knew you came to me like a phantom,
      • but I said if your phantom brought me such joy
      • that I couldn’t tell the difference between the two…


  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前



    LongingBy ChuziTr. ZHANG Zhizhong.A pair of eyes on the cliffAre paddling through darknessOverhead a grain of starIs dropping and falling fastWet lips of the ni…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前


    寄鞋文║洛夫译║李正栓.间关千里寄给你一双布鞋一封  无字的信   积了四十多年的话   想说无从说   只好一句句   密密缝在鞋底   这些话我偷偷藏了很久   有几句藏在井边   有几句藏在厨房   有几句藏在枕头下   有几句藏在午夜明灭不…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前




  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前




  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中发起了话题 英语金曲 2个月, 4周前

    Trouble is a…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前


    Facing the sea with spring blossoms

    By Haizi

    From tomorrow on, I will be a happy man;

    Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world.

    From tomorrow on, I will care foodstuff and vegetable,

    Living in a house towards the sea, with spring b…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中发起了话题 中国现代诗歌 2个月, 4周前

    When I was a child,
    Nostalgia was a tiny postage stamp.
    I, on this side,
    My mother, on the other.
    When I was older,
    Nostalgia became a small ship ticket.
    I, on this side,
    My bride, on the other.
    Nostalgia was a shallow gr…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 诗与歌 中回复了话题 中国古诗 2个月, 4周前

    Red beans grow in the southern lands,
    How many branches fall when spring arrives?
    May the gentleman gather many of them
    This is what makes him the most lovesick.

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