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  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 work 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Work on: Shape, form or improve something
    • Work on: Exercise influence on someone
    • Work out: Calculate
    • Work out: Make sense of
    • Work out: Smooth
    • Work out: Conclude with the correct solution
    • Work out: Succeed
    • Work out: Habitually exercise rigorously, especially by lifting weights, in order to increase strength or muscle mass or maintai…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 wash 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Wash away: Eliminate, or destroy by fast moving water, such as in a flood, or a high sea
    • Wash away: Eliminate, in a figurative sense
    • Wash down: Help to swallow by drinking a liquid, after eating something, or taking a pill
    • Wash down: Wash something completely from top to bottom
    • Wash off: Remove (or be removed) by washing
    • Wash out: R…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 walk 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Walk away: Withdraw from a problematic situation
    • Walk away: Survive a challenging or dangerous situation without harm
    • Walk away from: Abandon or leave; to shun
    • Walk in on: Enter suddenly or unexpectedly while something is happening; to intrude or interrupt by entering
    • Walk into: Collide with
    • Walk into: Fall into (a trap), especially…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 turn 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Turn against: Rebel or oppose to something formerly supported
    • Turn against: Set against or in opposition to something
    • Turn against: Use to the disadvantage or injury of
    • Turn around: Physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees
    • Turn around: Change to the opposite direction from a previous position
    • Turn around: Reverse the expected ou…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 throw 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Throw away: Discard (trash, garbage, or the like), to toss out, to put in the trash, to dispose of
    • Throw away: Waste, to squander
    • Throw down: Cause something one is holding to drop, often forcefully
    • Throw in: Add something extra free of charge
    • Throw off: Confuse; especially, to lose a pursuer
    • Throw off: Introduce errors or inaccuracie…[阅读更多]

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2024年教材是不是会全面更换,关于这个问题,很多家长和孩子都比较关心。根据我得到的消息,目前2024年是否会全面更换教材存在一些矛盾的信息。 一方面,有证据表明2024年将全面更换英语教材。例如,2024年9月,我国小学及初中英语学科将全面启用新版英语教材。此外,教育部相关人士在第三届基础教育课程教学改革研讨会上表示,2024年义务教育阶段将全面启用新的粤版教材。这些信息表明,至少在英语学科方面... »

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