throw 相关短语动词

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    • Throw away: Discard (trash, garbage, or the like), to toss out, to put in the trash, to dispose of
    • Throw away: Waste, to squander
    • Throw down: Cause something one is holding to drop, often forcefully
    • Throw in: Add something extra free of charge
    • Throw off: Confuse; especially, to lose a pursuer
    • Throw off: Introduce errors or inaccuracies; to skew
    • Throw on: Hastily put on (clothes)
    • Throw out: Discard; to dispense with something; to throw away
    • Throw out: Dismiss or expel someone from any longer performing duty or attending somewhere
    • Throw out: Offer an idea for consideration
    • Throw out: Produce in a haphazard fashion
    • Throw up: Vomit
    • Throw up: Produce something new or unexpected
    • Throw up: Cause something such as dust or water to rise into the air

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