kick 相关短语动词

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    • Kick around: Abuse or mistreat; to bully
    • Kick around: Wander loose; to float around; to hang around
    • Kick back: Relax
    • Kick down: Break or demolish something by physical bodily force
    • Kick in: Start, connect, or take effect, especially in a sudden way
    • Kick in: Contribute, especially to a collection of money
    • Kick off: Make the first kick in a game or part of a game
    • Kick off: Start; to launch
    • Kick off: Dismiss; to expel; to remove from a position
    • Kick off: Die or quit permanently
    • Kick off: Shut down or turn off suddenly
    • Kick off: Suddenly become more active
    • Kick off: Be overcome with anger, to start an argument or a fight
    • Kick off: Have a fight or argument start
    • Kick out: Eject, throw out, or forcefully remove
    • Kick out: Stop, stall, or disconnect suddenly
    • Kick up: Raise, to increase (a price)
    • Kick up: Show anger (about something)
    • Kick up: Function improperly, to show signs of disorder, (of an illness) to flare up

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