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  • 5. Setting Off Firecrackers and Fireworks
    Setting Off Firecrackers on Chinese new year
    From public displays in major cities to millions of private celebrations in China’s rural areas, setting off firecrackers and fireworks is an indispensable festive activity. It is a way to scare away the evil and welcome the new year’s arrival.

    Billions of fireworks go up in China at 12 am and in the…[阅读更多]

  • Regional customs and traditions vary widely but share the same theme: seeing out the old year and welcoming in the luck and prosperity of a new year. The main Chinese New Year activities include

    • putting up decorations,
    • offering sacrifices to ancestors,
    • eating reunion dinner with family on New Year’s Eve,
    • giving red envelopes and other…


  • Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is the most important festival in China and a major event in some other East Asian countries.

    Chinese New Year is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar. Chinese New Year 2025 will fall on Wednesday, January 29th.…[阅读更多]

  • try to do something


    I must try to complete this report by the end of the day.
    Have you ever tried to learn a musical instrument?
    You should try not to drink alcohol more than twice a week.
    He likes to try to beat his sister at chess, but she always wins.
    The children tried to put up the tent by themse…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 科普版 中发起了话题 7BU7T2SC文本分析 5个月, 1周前

    It’s time for outdoor activities. Look! Jane is flying a kite. The kite is flying so high. She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldn’t do it at all. Maria is performing ballet. She can perform ballet very well now. But when she was five, she could dance just a little. Michael and Kangkang are playing ping-pong. They cou…[阅读更多]

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2024年教材是不是会全面更换,关于这个问题,很多家长和孩子都比较关心。根据我得到的消息,目前2024年是否会全面更换教材存在一些矛盾的信息。 一方面,有证据表明2024年将全面更换英语教材。例如,2024年9月,我国小学及初中英语学科将全面启用新版英语教材。此外,教育部相关人士在第三届基础教育课程教学改革研讨会上表示,2024年义务教育阶段将全面启用新的粤版教材。这些信息表明,至少在英语学科方面... »

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