• Wash away: Eliminate, or destroy by fast moving water, such as in a flood, or a high sea
• Wash away: Eliminate, in a figurative sense
• Wash down: Help to swallow by drinking a liquid, after eating something, or taking a pill
• Wash down: Wash something completely from top to bottom
• Wash off: Remove (or be removed) by washing
• Wash out: Remove something by washing
• Wash out: Wear away by the flow of water; to erode
• Wash out: Cancel due to bad weather
• Wash out: Lose traction while going around a turn, especially in cycling, motorsports and skiing/snowboarding
• Wash over: Pass unnoticed so that one is unaffected by it
• Wash over: Affect the emotions of (a person) suddenly and overwhelmingly
• Wash over: Surge over the banks, or other retaining structure
• Wash up: Clean the utensils, dishes etc. used in preparing and eating a meal
• Wash up: Wash one,s hands and/or face, often around mealtimes
• Wash up: Carry an object to land