set 相关短语动词

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  • #11050

    • Set about: Initiate or begin some action
    • Set about: Attack
    • Set aside: Separate and reserve something for a specific purpose
    • Set back: Delay or obstruct
    • Set back: Remove from or allow distance
    • Set back: Cost money, as
    • Set down: Write
    • Set forth: Begin a journey or expedition
    • Set in: Take root, become established
    • Set off: Leave; to begin a journey or trip
    • Set off: Begin; to cause; to initiate
    • Set off: Cause to explode, let off
    • Set off: Make angry
    • Set off: Offset, to compensate for: to reduce the effect of, by having a contrary effect
    • Set on: Encourage someone, or an animal, to attack someone
    • Set out: Explain something, or give exact details, usually in writing
    • Set out: Go out, leave
    • Set out: Start an activity with the intention of finishing it
    • Set up: Ready something for use
    • Set up: Logically order
    • Set up: Cause to happen
    • Set up: Trap or ensnare
    • Set up: Arrange for an outcome; to tamper or rig
    • Set up: Gel or harden
    • Set up: Provide the money or other support that someone needs for an important task or activity
    • Set up: Establish someone in a business or position
    • Set up: Trick someone in order to make them do something
    • Set upon: Attack someone

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