run 相关短语动词

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  • #11047

    • Run about: Be very busy doing many different things
    • Run across: Cross by running
    • Run across: Find or discover by chance
    • Run after: Chase
    • Run after: Make a determined effort to win someone,s affections
    • Run against: Oppose, make difficulties.
    • Run along: Leave; to make one’s way somewhere else
    • Run around: Be very busy doing many different things
    • Run around after: Spend a lot of time doing things for another person or group of people
    • Run away: Flee by running
    • Run away: Leave home
    • Run away with: Leave secretly with another person
    • Run away with: Steal and get away with it
    • Run away with: Be misled
    • Run away with: Overwhelm, get the better of
    • Run away with: Be superior or outstanding in something
    • Run back: Take someone home by car; to give someone a lift to their house
    • Run back: Rewind a film or cassette
    • Run by: Inform someone briefly of the main points of an idea
    • Run by: Briefly stop at a location for a particular purpose
    • Run down: Hit someone with a car or other vehicle and injure or kill them
    • Run down: Criticize someone or an organisation, often unfairly
    • Run down: Find something or someone after searching for a long time
    • Run down: Lose power slowly
    • Run down: Read quickly a list or other short text
    • Run down: Reduce the size or stock levels of a business, often with a view to closure
    • Run for it: To run very quickly in order to escape from someone or something
    • Run in: Arrest

    • Run in: Use new machinery at less than full speed, preventing damage
    • Run into: Enter by running
    • Run into: Collide with
    • Run into: Encounter or meet unexpectedly
    • Run into: Cause to blend into
    • Run into: Reach a large figure
    • Run low: Near the end of a supply of something; to be nearly running out
    • Run off: Flee or depart quickly
    • Run off: Make photocopies, or print
    • Run off: Write something quickly
    • Run off: Pour or spill off or over
    • Run off: Chase someone away
    • Run off: Operate by a particular energy source
    • Run off with: Leave with someone with the intention of living with them or marrying them
    • Run off with: Steal or abscond
    • Run on: Continue without interruption
    • Run on: Using a certain time zone
    • Run on: Continue talking for a long time
    • Run on: Operate with a particular energy source
    • Run out: Use up; to consume all of something
    • Run out: Expire, to come to an end
    • Run out: Extend a piece of material, or clothing
    • Run out on: Leave a partner or commitment suddenly and without prior warning
    • Run over: Exceed the allotted time
    • Run over: Cross by running
    • Run over: Drive over, causing injury or death
    • Run over: Describe briefly
    • Run over: Rehearse quickly
    • Run over: Overflow
    • Run past: Bring an idea or proposal to the attention of someone in order to obtain their opinion
    • Run through: Summarise briefly
    • Run through: Repeat something
    • Run through: Use completely, in a short space of time
    • Run through: Pervade, of a quality that is characteristic of a group, organisation, or system
    • Run through: Impale a person with a blade, usually a sword
    • Run to: Reach a particular maximum amount, size, value, etc.
    • Run to: Reach the limit of one’s abilities or tastes
    • Run up: Hasten to a destination
    • Run up: Make something, usually an item of clothing, very quickly

    • Run up: Bring a flag to the top of its flag pole
    • Run up: Rise; to swell; to grow; to increase
    • Run up: Accumulate a debt
    • Run up: Thrust up, as anything long and slender
    • Run up against: Begin to encounter problems with someone or something
    • Run up on: To confront someone with hostility
    • Run with: Proceed with; accept

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