pick 相关短语动词

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    • Pick apart: Overcome by skilled execution
    • Pick at: Eat unwillingly
    • Pick at: To pull or touch something several times
    • Pick off: Remove by picking
    • Pick off: Shoot one by one
    • Pick off: Dispose of tasks, obstacles, opponents etc. one by one
    • Pick on: Bully, harass or make fun of a victim; to bother or harass
    • Pick on: Select (a person) for a task, etc.
    • Pick out: Distinguish
    • Pick out: Ornament or relieve with lines etc. of a different, usually lighter, colour
    • Pick through: Search something that is disordered for something.
    • Pick up: Lift; to grasp and raise
    • Pick up: Collect an object, especially in passing
    • Pick up: Clean up; to return to an organized state
    • Pick up: Collect a passenger
    • Pick up: Collect and detain (a suspect)
    • Pick up: Improve, increase or speed up
    • Pick up: Restart or resume
    • Pick up: Learn, to grasp; to begin to understand
    • Pick up: Receive (a radio signal or the like)
    • Pick up: Notice, detect or discern, often used with “on”

    • Pick up: Point out (a person’s behaviour, habits or actions) in a critical manner
    • Pick up: Meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes, especially in a social situation
    • Pick up: Answer a telephone
    • Pick up: Pay for
    • Pick up after: Tidy a mess someone else has made.
    • Pick up on: Correct someone when they say something wrong.
    • Pick up on: Notice something that most people don’t.
    • Pick up on: React to something.
    • Pick up on: Comment on something said earlier in a conversation.
    • Pick yourself up: Recover from a fall or problem

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