mess 相关短语动词

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    • Mess about: Misbehave
    • Mess about: Be in a casual non-committal relationship
    • Mess about: Play with; to toy with; to waste the time of (a person)
    • Mess around: Fiddle idly
    • Mess around: Joke, kid, or play
    • Mess around: Have a sexual relationship, especially one which is non-commital
    • Mess up: Make a mess of; to untidy, disorder, soil, or muss
    • Mess up: Cause a problem with; to introduce an error or mistake in; to make muddled or confused; spoil; ruin
    • Mess up: Botch, bungle; to perform poorly on
    • Mess up: Make a mistake; to do something incorrectly; to perform poorly
    • Mess up: Cause (another person) to make unwanted mistakes in a given task, usually through distraction or obnoxious behavior
    • Mess up: Damage; injure
    • Mess up: Manhandle; beat up; rough up
    • Mess up: Discombobulate, utterly confuse, or confound psychologically; to throw into a state of mental disarray
    • Mess with: Interfere with
    • Mess with: Diss; to put down
    • Mess with: Joke around with or dupe someone, in either a friendly or unfriendly manner

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