knock 相关短语动词

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    • Knock about: Spend time companionably; to hang around
    • Knock about: Engage in a relaxing activity in; to hang around in

    • Knock about: Be located in or mislaid in
    • Knock about: Hit or behave violently towards
    • Knock back: Stun; to surprise
    • Knock back: Reject; to refuse
    • Knock down: Hit or knock (something), intentionally or accidentally, so that it falls
    • Knock down: Demolish
    • Knock down: At an auction, to declare (something) sold with a blow from the gavel
    • Knock down: Reduce the price of
    • Knock down: Drink fast
    • Knock down: Disassemble for shipment
    • Knock it off: Stop doing something; desist
    • Knock off: Bump or hit so that something falls off
    • Knock off: Quit; stop doing work or other activity
    • Knock off: Kill someone
    • Knock off: Reduce or remove
    • Knock off: Rob
    • Knock off: Make a copy of, as of a design
    • Knock out: Strike or bump (someone or something) out
    • Knock out: Render unconscious, as by a blow to the head
    • Knock out: Put to sleep
    • Knock out: Exhaust
    • Knock out: Complete, especially in haste; knock off
    • Knock out: Cause a mechanism to become non-functional by damaging or destroying it
    • Knock out: Communicate (a message) by knocking
    • Knock over: Bump or strike something in such a way as to tip it
    • Knock over: Rob; to stage a heist of
    • Knock together: Assemble something quickly; to knock up
    • Knock up: Put together, fabricate, or assemble, particularly if done hastily or temporarily
    • Knock up: Impregnate, especially out of wedlock

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