hang 相关短语动词

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  • #11028

    • Hang about: Stay, linger or loiter
    • Hang about: Spend time or be friends
    • Hang on: Wait a moment (usually imperative)
    • Hang on: Hold, grasp, or grip
    • Hang on: Keep; to store something for someone
    • Hang on: Pay close attention
    • Hang on: Continually believe in something; to have faith in
    • Hang on: Persevere
    • Hang out: Spend time doing nothing in particular
    • Hang out: Be unyielding; to hold out
    • Hang over: Be threatening, to be imminent
    • Hang together: Be self-consistent
    • Hang up: Put up to hang
    • Hang up: Terminate a telephone call


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