go 相关短语动词

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    • Go about: Deal with something
    • Go about: Circulate
    • Go across: Move to another side or place
    • Go after: Pursue in attempt to catch another
    • Go after: Pursue an object or a goal
    • Go against: Violate; to breach; to break
    • Go against: Be unfavourable to someone
    • Go against: Be contrary to a trend, feeling or principle
    • Go against: Oppose; to resist
    • Go ahead: To begin
    • Go ahead with: To continue with something
    • Go all out: Reserve nothing; to put forth all possible effort or resources
    • Go along: Participate, cooperate, or conform

    • Go around: Move or spread from person to person
    • Go around: Share with everyone
    • Go at: Try to solve a problem a specific way; to undertake a task
    • Go away: Depart or leave a place
    • Go away: Travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation
    • Go away: Become invisible, vanish or disappear
    • Go back: Abandon, desert, betray or fail someone or something
    • Go before: To exist or happen in an earlier time
    • Go below: Go below deck on a ship; to leave the top deck of a ship
    • Go by: Pass or go past without much interaction
    • Go by: Be called, to use as a name
    • Go by: Follow; to assume as true for the purposes of making a decision, taking an action, etc.
    • Go down: Descend; to move from a higher place to a lower one
    • Go down: Disappear below the horizon; to set
    • Go down: Decrease; to change from a greater value to a lesser one
    • Go down: Fall (down), fall to the floor
    • Go down: Be received or accepted
    • Go down: Be recorded or remembered (as)
    • Go down: Take place, happen
    • Go down: perform oral sex
    • Go down: Stop functioning, to go offline
    • Go down with: To become ill with a particular illness
    • Go for: Try for, to attempt to reach
    • Go for: Undertake (an action)
    • Go for: Attack
    • Go for: Develop a strong interest in, especially in a sudden manner; to be infatuated with
    • Go for: Favor, accept
    • Go for: Apply equally to
    • Go for it: Put maximum effort into achieving something
    • Go for it: Decide to do something; especially after a period of hesitation
    • Go forward: Move clocks ahead
    • Go forward: Progress
    • Go in: Be obscured by clouds
    • Go in for: To take an exam or enter a competition
    • Go in for: Like, have an interest in
    • Go in for: Make a career choice
    • Go in with: Join, enter
    • Go into: Get involved in; to investigate or explore
    • Go into: Divide exactly; to be a factor of
    • Go off: Explode
    • Go off: Fire, especially accidentally
    • Go off: Explode metaphorically; to become very angry

    • Go off: Begin clanging or making noise
    • Go off: Depart; to leave
    • Go off: Like less
    • Go off with: Elope, run away with someone
    • Go off with: Steal
    • Go on: Continue in extent
    • Go on: Continue an action
    • Go on to: Proceed
    • Go on about: Talk about a subject frequently or at great length
    • Go on: Use and adopt (information) in order to understand an issue, make a decision, etc.
    • Go on: Happen (occur)
    • Go on at: Keep criticizing somebody or telling them what to do, etc:
    • Go on with: Continue doing.
    • Go out: Leave, especially a building
    • Go out: Leave one,s abode to go to public places
    • Go out: Be eliminated from a competition
    • Go out: Be turned off or extinguished
    • Go out: Discard or meld all the cards in one,s hand
    • Go out: Become out of fashion
    • Go out: Have a romantic relationship, one that involves going out together on dates
    • Go out: Fail
    • Go out: Spend the last moments of a show (while playing something)
    • Go out for: Become a candidate, apply for something
    • Go out to: Feel sympathy with someone
    • Go over: Look at carefully; to scrutinize; to analyze
    • Go over: Create a response or impression
    • Go over to: Go on a journey
    • Go over to: Change to something different
    • Go so far as: Reach an unexpected extent in doing something
    • Go past: Pass without stopping
    • Go round: Be or have enough of something
    • Go round: Circulate
    • Go round: Visit
    • Go through: Travel from one end of something to the other
    • Go through: Examine or scrutinize (a number or series of things), especially in a regular order
    • Go through: Undergo, suffer, experience
    • Go through: Wear out (clothing etc.)
    • Go through: Progress to the next stage of something
    • Go through: Reach an intended destination after passing through some process
    • Go through with: Carry out (something planned or promised)

    • Go to: Attend an event or a sight
    • Go to: Attend classes at a school as a student
    • Go to: Tend to support
    • Go together: Harmonize or be compatible
    • Go towards: Be a contribution to
    • Go under: Descend into a body of water; to founder
    • Go under: Collapse or fail, e.g. by going bankrupt
    • Go under: Be named; to call oneself
    • Go up: Be built or erected
    • Go up: Rise or increase in price, cost, or value
    • Go up: Be consumed by fire
    • Go up: Forget lines or blocks during public performance
    • Go up for:Of the fielding side, to appeal for the batsman or batswoman to be out
    • Go with: Choose or accept (a suggestion)
    • Go with: Correspond or fit well with, to match
    • Go without: Be deprived of

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