get 相关短语动词

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    • Get about: Be mobile, physically active
    • Get about: Become widely known
    • Get about: Visit a variety of different places
    • Get across: Cross; to move from one side (of something) to the other, literally or figuratively
    • Get across: Make an idea evident; to successfully explain a thought or feeling; put over
    • Get after: Move into action in pursuit of something
    • Get after: Move into action in attempt to catch or defeat another
    • Get after: Attempt to convince another to move into action
    • Get ahead: Progress
    • Get ahead of: Move in front of
    • Get along: Interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble
    • Get along: Survive; to do well enough
    • Get along with: Have a good relationship with someone
    • Get along with: Deal with, handle
    • Get around: Move to the other side of an obstruction
    • Get around: Come around something
    • Get around: Avoid or bypass an obstacle
    • Get around: Circumvent the obligation and performance of a chore
    • Get around: Transport oneself from place to place
    • Get around: Be sexually promiscuous
    • Get around to: Eventually begin or return to some procrastinated task
    • Get at: Manage to gain access to
    • Get at: Understand or ascertain by investigation
    • Get at: Mean, signify
    • Get at: Attack verbally or physically; to annoy, bother
    • Get at: Persuade by intimidation, to tamper with
    • Get at: Contact someone
    • Get away: Move away (from)
    • Get away: Avoid capture; to escape (from)
    • Get away: Take a break from one,s present circumstances
    • Get away: Start moving; to depart
    • Get away: Slip from one’s control
    • Get away from: Start to talk about something that is not relevant to the discussion
    • Get away with: Eescape punishment for
    • Get back: Return to where one came from
    • Get back: Retrieve, to have an item returned
    • Get back: Do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or harmed you
    • Get back at: Retaliate against; to take revenge on
    • Get back to: Return contact with
    • Get behind: Support
    • Get behind with: Be late paying instalments for something
    • Get by: Subsist; to succeed, survive, or manage, at least at a minimal level
    • Get down: Bring or come down; descend
    • Get down: Depress; discourage; fatigue
    • Get down: Swallow
    • Get down: Relax and enjoy oneself completely; be uninhibited in one’s enjoyment
    • Get down: Duck or take cover, usually to avoid harm
    • Get down: Leave the table after dining
    • Get down: Record in writing
    • Get down on: Criticise
    • Get down to: Start working seriously
    • Get in: Get into or inside something, literally or figuratively
    • Get in: Enter a place; to gain access
    • Get in: Secure membership at a selective school
    • Get in: Be elected to some office
    • Get in with: Become involved or associated with
    • Get into: Move into an object, such that one ends up inside it
    • Get into: Reach into an object
    • Get into: Become involved in a discussion, issue, or activity
    • Get into: Enter an unfavourable state
    • Get into: Make behave uncharacteristically
    • Get it: Be punished or scolded
    • Get it on: Have sex
    • Get it on: Engage in a fight
    • Get it on: Hurry up; to get a move on
    • Get it together: To be well-organized and prepared
    • Get it over with: Do or finish, especially said of something unpleasant
    • Get it up: Achieve a penile erection
    • Get off: Move from being on top of (something) to not being on top of it
    • Get off: Move (something) from being on top of (something else) to not being on top of it
    • Get off: Disembark, especially from mass transportation
    • Get off: Stop (doing something), to desist from (doing something)
    • Get off: Stop using a piece of equipment, such as a telephone or computer
    • Get off: Complete a shift or a day,s work
    • Get off: Stop touching or interfering with something or someone
    • Get off: Excite or arouse, especially in a sexual manner
    • Get off: Experience an orgasm or other sexual pleasure
    • Get off: Kiss; to smooch
    • Get off: Escape (with usually only mild consequences)
    • Get off: Fall asleep
    • Get off: Behave in an presumptuous, rude, or intrusive manner
    • Get off on: Be excited or aroused by; to derive pleasure from
    • Get off on: Have a sexual encounter with
    • Get on: Board or mount (something), especially a vehicle
    • Get on: Be successful
    • Get on: Progress (with)
    • Get on: Become late
    • Get on: Become old
    • Get on: Gave a good relationship
    • Get on: Commence
    • Get on to: Contact (someone) in order to raise or discuss a certain matter
    • Get on to: Progress to; to start working on
    • Get on for: Be near a time
    • Get on with: Proceed with; to begin or continue, especially after an interruption
    • Get on with: Have a good relationship with
    • Get onto: Move onto an object, especially one on which it is possible to stand
    • Get onto: Contact a person or organisation about a particular matter
    • Get onto: Connect, especially to the Internet or a network
    • Get onto: Scold someone
    • Get onto: Introduce someone to something
    • Get out: Leave or escape
    • Get out: Come out of a situation ; to escape a fate
    • Get out: Help someone leave
    • Get out: Leave a vehicle such as a car
    • Get out: Become known
    • Get out: Spend free time out of the house
    • Get out: Publish something, or make a product available
    • Get out: Say something with difficulty
    • Get out: Clean something. To eliminate dirt or stains
    • Get out of: Leave, exit, or become free of
    • Get out of: Circumvent some obligation entirely
    • Get out of: Leave or exit a place
    • Get over: Overcome
    • Get over: Recover (from)
    • Get over: Forget and move on
    • Get over: Successfully communicate; to get across
    • Get over with: Do something quickly and hastily; without procrastination
    • Get rid of: Dispose (of); to remove; to abolish; to lose
    • Get stuck in: Dedicate a large amount of effort towards
    • Get stuck into: Start eating
    • Get stuck into: Criticise someone; tell off; to get angry at; to attack
    • Get taken in: Be fooled; to fall for
    • Get taken in: Be unofficially fostered
    • Get through: Overcome; to endure
    • Get through: Complete; to finish
    • Get through: Be made successfully
    • Get through to: Make someone understand
    • Get through to: Reach a stage in a competition
    • Get to: Reach, arrive at
    • Get to: Have an opportunity to or be allowed to
    • Get to: Affect adversely; to upset or annoy
    • Get to: Track down and intimidate
    • Get together: Meet socially
    • Get up: Move in an upwards direction; to ascend or climb
    • Get up: Rise from one,s bed
    • Get up: Move from a sitting or lying position to a standing position; to stand up
    • Get up: Materialise; to grow stronger
    • Get up: Bring together, amass
    • Get up: Gather or grow larger by accretion
    • Get up: Criticise
    • Get up: Dress in a certain way, especially extravagantly
    • Get up to: Do something, especially something that you should not do
    • Get used: Become accustomed to something; to acclimate; to adjust
    • Get with: Impregnate
    • Get with: Align oneself with

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