below 相关短语

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    • Blow away: Cause to go away by blowing, or by wind
    • Blow away: Disperse or to depart on currents of air
    • Blow away: Kill (someone) by sh
    • Blow away: Flabbergast; to impress greatly
    • Blow down: Knock over with an air current, most often wind
    • Blow off: Let steam escape through a passage provided for the purpose
    • Blow off: Shirk or disregard
    • Blow off: Forcibly disconnect something by use of a firearm or explosive device
    • Blow out: Extinguish something, especially a flame
    • Blow out: Deflate quickly on being punctured
    • Blow out: Be driven out by the expansive force of a gas or vapour
    • Blow over: Blow on something causing it to topple
    • Blow over: Be knocked down by wind
    • Blow over: Pass naturally; to go away; to settle or calm down
    • Blow past: Easily overcome or go around a safeguard or limit
    • Blow up: Explode or be destroyed by explosion
    • Blow up: Cause (something or someone) to explode
    • Blow up: Inflate or fill with air
    • Blow up: Enlarge or zoom in
    • Blow up: Suddenly get very angryooting them

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