
  • Jason 发布了一篇新文章 3天, 10小时前

    KPG7U7T3整体教学思路 一、本话题的主要教学内容 二、本话题的教学重点和难点 综合上面的内容分析,我们可以知道,本话题围绕着生日聚会展开,有整体介绍也有细节,有短文和日记的形式,本课的教学重点可以确定为以下几个方面: 1、学生需要掌握行为动词的一般过去式(规则与不规则变化)及读音;(难点) 2、学生需要能使用记叙 […]

  • Jason 发布了一篇新文章 6天, 10小时前

    不规则动词挑战 Write a passage using the past tense of the following verbs: be, begin, blow, bring, buy, can, catch, come, cost, do, draw, drink, drive, drive, eat, fall, […]

    • Once upon a time, there was a small village nestled in the valley, where life began at the break of dawn and ended with the setting sun. The villagers’ days were filled with simple joys and hard work.

      Every morning, a gentle breeze blew through the fields, bringing the scent of freshly bloomed flowers. The villagers brought out their tools and set to work in the fields, tending to the crops that sustained their community.

      In the marketplace, merchants bought and sold goods, exchanging stories and laughter along with their wares. Children could be seen playing games, their laughter echoing through the streets.

      One day, a traveler came to the village, seeking refuge from the busy world beyond. He cost nothing but the clothes on his back, but his eyes held a wisdom that belied his years.

      The villagers did their best to make him feel welcome, offering him food and shelter for the night. In return, the traveler drew maps of distant lands, sharing stories of his adventures.

      As night fell, the villagers gathered around a roaring fire, listening intently to the traveler’s tales. They drank mulled wine and ate roasted chestnuts, savoring the warmth of companionship.

      In the morning, the traveler fell upon the villagers to thank them for their hospitality. With a heavy heart, he said his goodbyes and set out on the road once more.

      But the memories of his time in the village would stay with him forever, a reminder of the kindness and generosity of strangers.

      Years passed, and the village continued to thrive, its story told by those who remembered the traveler and the lessons he taught. And though he would never return, his spirit would live on in the hearts of the villagers, a beacon of hope in a world filled with uncertainty.

  • Jason 在版块 科普版 中发起了话题 7BU7T2SC文本分析 1周, 1天前

    It’s time for outdoor activities. Look! Jane is flying a kite. The kite is flying so high. She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldn’t do it at all. Maria is performing ballet. She can perform ballet very well now. But when she was five, she could dance just a little. Michael and Kangkang are playing ping-pong. They cou…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 科普版 中发起了话题 7BU7T2SB对话的思路 1周, 1天前

    Parrot: Welcome! Welcome!
    Michael: Oh! Polly, you can speak English! Can you sing an English song?
    Parrot: Of course I can. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you …
    Michael: You are so smart!
    Jane: What else can you do?
    Parrot: I can count. One, two, three, four …
    Jane: I’d like to take these flowers to the party. Can you count them f…[阅读更多]

  • 本课重点学习can的用法,包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和否定句等形式。因此,本课的重点应放在对can的用法的“感知-理解-运用”,围绕这一核心目标展开。



    1. 结合上个话题Section D的短文,让学生列举聚会前的活动作为复习,然后引导学生讨论聚会中可以做的活动;
    2. 听1a录音,让学生从列表中选出听到的,再听一遍录音,完成1b。
    3. 读1a,思考并回答问题以确认学生对文本内容的理解同,并尝试使用can。
    1) Does Maria want to sing English songs at the party?
    2) Can…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 科普版 中发起了话题 7BU7T2SA对话的思路 1周, 2天前

    Jane: Maria, what would you like to do at Kangkang’s birthday party?
    Maria: I’d like to play the piano and sing some songs.
    Jane: Oh, do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?
    Maria: Chinese songs. Would you like to sing with me?
    Jane: Yes, I’d love to. But I can’t sing Chinese songs. I can only sing English songs.
    Maria: What else ca…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 发布了一篇新文章 2周前

    2024年秋新初中英语教材 2024年秋季中小学教材将全面改版,新课标教材将全面代替旧教材,新教材到底有什么变化,让我们一起来看看!先看看网络流传出来的英语新教材吧 2024英语新教材   参考上图私下流出的培训图能够看到课程设置的某些思路跟之前有很紧密的联系。   反正我看Le […]

  • Jason发布了更新 2周前


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