take 相关短语动词

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    • Take aback: Surprise or shock; to discomfit
    • Take after: Resemble (a parent or ancestor) in appearance or habit
    • Take against: Stop liking someone; to become unfriendly toward
    • Take apart: Dismantle something into its component pieces
    • Take aside: Get someone alone to talk to them
    • Take away: Remove something and put it in a different place
    • Take away: Remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it
    • Take away: Subtract or diminish something
    • Take away: Leave a memory or impression in one,s mind that you think about later
    • Take away: Make someone leave a place and go somewhere else
    • Take away: Prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something
    • Take away from: Make something seem not so good or interesting
    • Take back: Retract an earlier statement
    • Take back: Cause to remember some past event or time
    • Take back: Resume a relationship
    • Take back: Regain possession of something
    • Take back: Return something to a vendor for a refund
    • Take down: Remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed
    • Take down: Remove something from a hanging position

    • Take down: Write down as a note, especially to record something spoken
    • Take down: Remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding
    • Take down: Lower an item of clothing without removing it
    • Take for: Regard as
    • Take for: Consider mistakenly
    • Take for: Defraud; to rip off
    • Take in: Receive (goods) into one,s home for the purpose of processing for a fee
    • Take in: Shorten (a garment) or make it smaller
    • Take in: Absorb or comprehend
    • Take it away: Begin, especially used to launch a performance of some sort (usually imperative and/or exclamatory)
    • Take it out in: Accept as payment
    • Take it out on: Unleash one,s anger on [a person or thing other than the one that caused it]
    • Take it upon oneself: Assume personal responsibility for a task or action
    • Take off: Remove
    • Take off: Imitate, often in a satirical manner
    • Take off: Leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air
    • Take off: Become successful, to flourish
    • Take off: Depart
    • Take off: Quantify
    • Take off: Absent oneself from work or other responsibility, especially with permission
    • Take on: Acquire, bring in, or introduce
    • Take on: Begin to have or exhibit
    • Take on: Assume responsibility for
    • Take on: Attempt to fight or compete with
    • Take out: Remove
    • Take out: Escort someone on a date
    • Take over: Adopt a further responsibility or duty
    • Take over: Relieve someone temporarily
    • Take over: Buy out the ownership of a business
    • Take over: Annex a territory7 by conquest or invasion
    • Take over: Become more successful (than someone or something else)
    • Take pity: Show compassion (towards)
    • Take through: Explain something to someone.
    • Take to: Adapt to; to learn, grasp or master
    • Take to: Enter; to go into or move towards
    • Take to: Begin, as a new habit or practice
    • Take up: Pick up
    • Take up: Begin doing (an activity) on a regular basis

    • Take up: Address (an issue)
    • Take up: Occupy; to consume (space or time)
    • Take up: Shorten by hemming
    • Take up: Accept (a proposal, offer, request, etc.) from
    • Take up: Resume
    • Take up with: Form a close relationship with (someone)
    • Take upon oneself: Assume personal responsibility for

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