pass 相关短语动词

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    • Pass away: Die
    • Pass by: Travel past without stopping

    • Pass by :Travel past (something) without stopping; to ignore, to disregard
    • Pass by: Of a period of time: to come to an end, to elapse
    • Pass down: Transmit information or give property to younger generations.
    • Pass off: Happen
    • Pass off: Misrepresent something
    • Pass on: Convey or communicate
    • Pass on: Skip or decline
    • Pass on: Die
    • Pass out: Faint; to become unconscious
    • Pass out: Distribute, to hand out
    • Pass over: Ignore someone and give a job, reward, etc, to someone more junior.
    • Pass over: Ignore, refuse to discuss.
    • Pass round: Distribute, give to people present.
    • Pass through: Visit a place without stopping or only stopping briefly
    • Pass to: Give ownership or responsibility to someone.
    • Pass up: Refuse (not accept).

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