make 相关短语动词

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  • #11038

    • Make after: Chase
    • Make away with: Steal
    • Make for: To move towards something
    • Make for: To contribute, to cause, lead to
    • Make into: Cause (the first object) to become (the second object); to change or transform
    • Make it up to: Pay back; to return someone a previous good deed
    • Make of: Form an opinion about (someone or something)
    • Make off: Leave somewhere in a hurry
    • Make off: To escape
    • Make off with: Steal
    • Make out: Draw up (a document etc.), to designate (a cheque) to a given recipient, payee
    • Make out: Manage, get along; to do (well, badly etc.)
    • Make out: Represent; to make (something) appear to be true
    • Make out: Kiss passionately
    • Make out of: Construct from; to create (something) using (a material or substance)
    • Make over: Renovate or to convert to a different use, particularly houses, offices, or rooms within them
    • Make over: Create a new physical look, especially with a new hairstyle, cosmetics, or clothes
    • Make over: Improve upon and/or take in a new direction
    • Make towards: Head in the direction
    • Make up: Compensate, fill in or catch up
    • Make up: Invent, imagine, or concoct (a story, claim, etc.)
    • Make up: Assemble, or mix

    • Make up: Apply cosmetics or makeup to
    • Make up: Resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight
    • Make up for: To compensate for something, to replace
    • Make up to: Do something to show that you are sorry about the problems you have caused someone
    • Make way: Make progress

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