give 相关短语动词

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  • #11026

    • Give away: Make a gift of (something)
    • Give away: Formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom; often by her father
    • Give away: Unintentionally reveal a secret, or expose someone
    • Give away: Concede an advantage in weight, time, height etc.
    • Give back: Return, restore
    • Give back: Contribute money, goods or, especially, services for charitable purposes, as if in return for one’s own success
    • Give forth: Emit or release something
    • Give forth: Give off an emanation
    • Give in: Collapse or fall
    • Give in: Relent, yield, surrender or admit defeat
    • Give in to: Allow a feeling or desire to control you
    • Give in to: Criticise harshly or punish someone for something.
    • Give it up for/to: Applaud.
    • Give of oneself: Devote oneself unselfishly to a task, especially to give time and energy
    • Give off: Emit; to produce and send forth
    • Give out: Issue; to distribute
    • Give out: Break down, get out of order, fail
    • Give out: Complain, sulk, chastise
    • Give over: Entrust (something) to another
    • Give over: Devote or resign to a particular purpose or activity
    • Give over: Give up; abandon; desert; stop
    • Give up: Surrender (someone or something)
    • Give up: Stop or quit (an activity, etc)
    • Give up: Relinquish (something)
    • Give up: Lose hope concerning (someone or something)
    • Give up: Abandon (someone or something)
    • Give up: Admit defeat, to capitulate
    • Give up on: Lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone.
    • Give up on: Stop feeling hope
    • Give way: Yield to persistent persuasion
    • Give way: Collapse or break under physical stresses
    • Give way: Give precedence to other road users
    • Give way to: Be replaced by something better, cheaper, more modern, etc
    • Give way to: Allow a vehicle to pass in front.
    • Give way to: Surrender to strong emotions
    • Give yourself up: Surrender to the police or authorities.

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