be 相关短语

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    • Be above: Be too good, classy or mature to do something; to disdain
    • Be above: Outrank
    • Be along: Arrive• Be around:
    • Be alive, existent, or present
    • Be around: Be near; to socialize with
    • Be cut out for: Be suitable, have the necessary qualities
    • Be down: Be depressed
    • Be down to: Be reduced or less
    • Be down on: Have negative feelings toward someone
    • Be down with: Be ill
    • Be fed up: Be bored, upset or sick of something
    • Be in for: Be able to expect or anticipate, generally said of something unpleasant
    • Be in for: Be incarcerated for
    • Be in on: Be a party to a secret shared by a small group of people
    • Be on about: Talk about; mean, intend
    • Be on to: Figure out; to realize the truth
    • Be out for: Seek or pursue, especially to determinedly pursue something to one’s own benefit
    • Be there for: Be available to provide comfort and support for someone, especially in a period of difficulty
    • Be snowed under: Have too much work
    • Be taken aback: Be shocked or surprised
    • Be taken with: Like something or someone very much
    • Be up for: To want to do something
    • Be up to: Do or be involved in doing
    • Be with: Have sex with
    • Be with: Date or be boyfriend/girlfriend with
    • Be with: Agree with someone
    • Be with: Understand someone’s point or intention

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