100 Idioms You Must Know 76-100

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    76. Think the world of
    Meaning: Admire someone very much
    Example: Emily is a wonderful teacher — children think the world of her.

    77. Tight spot
    Meaning: A difficult situation
    Example: The recent lawsuit has put the firm in a tight spot.

    78. Tongue in cheek
    Meaning: (of a remark) Supposed to be taken in funny or ironic sense
    Example: Her comment was taken more seriously than intended. It was supposed to be tongue in cheek.

    79. Turn a blind eye
    Meaning: Pretend not to notice
    Example: People tend to turn a blind eye to crime against women.

    80. Walk on eggshells
    Meaning: Be extremely cautious about one’s words or actions
    Example: Celebrities are scrutinized by the media for all their actions so they’re required to walk on eggshells.

    81. Want someone/s head on a platter
    Meaning: Want someone to be punished severely
    Example: /zl want that murderer’s head on a platter!z,, said the Chief of police.

    82. Watch (someone) like a hawk
    Meaning: Keep eyes on or watch carefully
    Example: The examiner watched the test takers like a hawk.

    83. Water under the bridge
    Meaning: Something bad that happened in the past but is no longer important
    Example: The couple had a serious fight in the past but that water is under the bridge now.

    84. Wave a dead chicken
    Meaning: Do some useless, unhelpful thing in the hope that it will solve a problem
    Example: Restarting the laptop once the motherboard has crashed is like waving a dead chicken.

    85. Weak in the knees
    Meaning: Barely able to stand because of emotion, fear or illness
    Example: The shock of being summoned by the Supreme Court made me go weak in the knees.

    86. Wear many hats
    Meaning: Do many different types tasks
    Example: We have such a small number of employees that one is often supposed to wear many hats.

    87. Weather the storm
    Meaning: Succeed in surviving a difficult period of time
    Example: Given the current global market conditions, the Indian economy is weathering the storm pretty well.

    88. Wet behind the ears
    Meaning: Inexperienced and immature
    Example: Instead of a full time job, she should be offered an internship as she is still wet behind the ears.

    89. Whale of a time
    Meaning: Enjoy a lot
    Example: She had a whale of a time in Goa with her girl gang.

    90. Whistle in the dark
    Meaning: Pretend to be brave in a scary situation
    Example: Upon being attacked, she blew a whistle in the dark which surprised her attackers.

    91. Why keep a dog and bark for yourself
    Meaning: If someone or something can do a job for you, why do it yourself?
    Example: My sister has a printer, but she continues to write notes manually. Why keep a dog and bark for yourself?

    92. Wide off the mark
    Meaning: Incorrect; Inadequate; Not what is expected
    Example: Her answer was wide off the mark; it was impossible for me to give a better rating to it.

    93. Wild goose chase
    Meaning: Waste time looking for something that has little chance of being found
    Example: She tried to find out who the anonymous caller was, but it turned out to be a wild goose chase.

    94. Wipe the slate clean
    Meaning: Make a fresh start
    Example: When Mike was leaving home, he decided to wipe the slate clean with his dad.

    95. Wolf in sheep,s clothing
    Meaning: Dangerous person pretendingto be harmless
    Example: I thought she was a good person, but I realized that she was a wolf in a sheep’s clothing when she backstabbed me during the selection process.

    96. Work your fingers to the bone
    Meaning: Extreme hard work
    Example: She totally deserves the success; she worked her fingers to the bone when she started out as a model.

    97. Worm,s eye view
    Meaning: A perspective seen from below or from a low or inferior position
    Example: The trainees get only a worm’s eye view of the corporate structure.

    98. Worth one’s salt
    Meaning: Good or competent at the job or profession specified
    Example: She deserves respect as she is totally worth her salt.

    99. Wrap one’s brain around
    Meaning: Concentrate on something in an effort to understand
    Example: I really need to wrap my brain around this concept before the exam.

    100. Zero in on something
    Meaning: Focus all attention onto one thing
    Example: The teacher immediately zeroed in on the weaker students of the class.

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