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  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中回复了话题 come 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    Other meanings of come  come的其他含义

    I am doing a research project for my degree on the psychology of aging, but l*ve come up against (1) a few problems. I came across (2)  someone who’s done an almost identical study, so l’ve got to come to (3)  a decision: do I want to continue with it or not? I guess in the end my decision will come down to[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中回复了话题 come 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    来表达发生的想法 Come expressing an idea of happen

    I was planning to arrange a surprise holiday for her birthday, but I’m not sure it’s going to come off. [happen successfully or as planned]我本来打算为她的生日安排一个惊喜假期,但我不确定能不能成功。成功地或按计划发生。

    I’ve had to organise the school fair again this year – I’m not quite sure how that came about, [happened, especially some…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中回复了话题 come 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    phrasal verb

    come along
    arrive at a place
    Not many people bought tickets for the concert in advance, but quite a few came along and bought tickets at the door.

    come apart
    separate into pieces
    The antique picture frame just came apart in my hands.

    come around or come round
    become conscious again
    A nurse was with me when 1…[阅读更多]

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 think 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Think about/of: Consider something before making a decision
    • Think ahead: Plan for a future situation; to think carefully about what might happen in the future
    • Think over: Consider something carefully
    • Think through: Consider all the possibilities and outcomes of a situation
    • Think up: Create or invent something, such as a story or an excuse

  • Jason 在版块 词汇 中发起了话题 try 相关短语动词 3个月, 3周前

    • Try back: Phone back
    • Try for: Make an attempt to get something
    • Try it on: Provoke someone by being annoying or behaving badly
    • Try it on: Attempt to get something, usually by deceit, without great hopes of success
    • Try on: Put clothes on to see if they fit
    • Try out: Test
    • Try out: Test something to see if you like it or want to buy i…[阅读更多]

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