日期: 2024 年 6 月 22 日



我们知道家庭作业对学生有好处。毕竟,他们花在英语学习上的时间越多,他们的英语水平就越高。然而,家庭作业往往是一件令人沮丧的事情。老师有时会在没有特别热情的情况下布置作业,学生并不总是做,老师也不是特别喜欢批改作业。We know that homework is good for students. After all, the more time they spend working with English, the better they get at it. Yet homework is often a dispiriting affair. Teachers sometimes give out homework tasks with no special enthusiasm, students don’t always do it and teachers don’t es... »



  教师面临的最大问题之一是班级里的学生水平不同,有的英语水平相当好,有的英语水平不是很好,有的英语才刚刚入门。即使事情没有那么极端,英语教师——以及其他课程科目的教师——也经常面对不同的人处于不同的水平,有不同的能力的混合能力群体。那么,有哪些可能的方法来处理这种情况呢? One of the biggest problems teachers face is classes where the students are at different levels – some with quite competent English, some whose English isn’t very good, and some whose English is only just getting started. Even if things are not quite ... »



写作是一项非常需要学生积极上进的技能。如果他们没有参与到写作任务中,换句话说,如果他们没有写作的理由,你设定的任务就不会是一个有效的学习经历。Writing is one of those skills that deeply requires students to be motivated. If they’re not involved in the writing task, in other words, if they don’t have a reason to write, the task you set forth won’t be an effective learning experience. WHAT POSSIBLE REASONS COULD THEY HAVE? 他们有什么理由? 成人ESL学生最可能需要在商务环境中用英语写信件、电子邮件或传真。Adult... »



写作不是存在于真空中。这是听和说的自然延伸,对任何语言都是如此,但对说其他语言的人和正在学习英语的人来说同样如此。由于口语和书面语之间的联系,在你的ESL学生写作时运用这些技巧将有助于他们顺利地完成写作过程。通过帮助你的学生运用他们在英语学习中获得的口语和听力技能,他们会发现写作并不像看起来那么不可能。Writing does not exist in a vacuum. It is a natural extension of listening and speak- ing, true in any language, but no less true for speakers of other languages and those in the process of learning English. Because of that spoken-written word conn... »
